If you have moved or are planning to move please contact CES!

Current/ Upcoming Address Changes and Withdrawals for 2021-2022 School Year


May 18, 2021

CES Community Members:

  • Have you moved within the CES district?  Fill out this Change of Address form and email it back to Mattia_Lambiotte@hcpss.org or Amy_Stevens@hcpss.org as soon as possible. In addition, send us the new lease/ deed and a currently utility bill for the new address.

We are expecting many withdrawals at the end of this year and need to start the process now to prepare transfer packets for families over the summer for parents to enroll their child at the new school.  In county transfers are also processed in early summer and assist the new school with staffing, class lists, etc.

Any address changes must be shared with HCPSS within three days of the move per HCPSS Policy 9000.  There are specific forms that must be completed in a timely manner.  We ask for you to contact us sooner rather than later to help prevent being assessed tuition fees.



Clarksville Elementary School | 12041 Rt. 108 Clarksville, MD 21029 | 410-313-7050 | ces.hcpss.org