Transportation Forms and Family File

Transportation Form: Each year we collect the Daily Transportation Form for each student that will be used to provide critical information we need to assist in making sure your student gets home safely. We need each family to submit this form prior to school starting. Please print out the form attached to this message and bring to the CES Orientation. Printed copies will also be available for you to fill out during orientation. If your student is a BUS RIDER, Howard County will be posting the Bus Routes and Bus Number. Check the website ( for this information to include on the Transportation Form for your student.


Update Family File: All Emergency information in our school system needs to be updated and/or verified prior to the new school year starting. This has to be completed each year. Please go to your HCPSS Connect (aka Synergy) account to log in and complete the Family File at your earliest convenience. If you need help signing into your Connect account or completing the Family File, please go to for more information. If you are still having difficulties, please contact Mattia Lambiotte or Amy Stevens at 410-313-7050.

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