CES Transportation Routes

The PDF icon CES Bus Routes.pdf information may be helpful for bus riders. It shows the stops and times by bus number for morning and afternoon. Many bus routes/stops are expected to change. Please recheck your child’s transportation prior to the start of school. To find out if your child is a bus rider, please visit https://versatransweb06.tylertech.com/HowardCounty/elinkrp/Students/BasicTransBoundarySearch.aspx 

if your child is a car rider or walker, use the map below to see where to drop-off and pick them up. For car riders, use the River Hill High School entrance and follow the loop around to the Clarksville Elementary School Access Road. During morning drop-off, CES staff will be present to let you know when it is safe to have your child exit the vehicle. Please follow the directions of the CES staff. During pick-up, please place the placard in your window and CES staff will bring your child(ren) to your vehicle. Please stay in your vehicle at all times.

Walker and Car Rider Map.png