2020-2021 Student Consideration Form/Parent Input

The CES Staff is looking ahead to the 2020-21 school year.  As part of our process of articulating classes for the upcoming school year, we would like to give you the opportunity to share some information that you would like for us to consider as we create classroom groupings.  The consideration form gives us specific information about your child that you feel would be beneficial as our school staff  meets to determine next year’s classroom groupings and placements.  

When creating classroom groupings and placing students, the CES staff and administration utilize a wide range of criteria that support our Howard County Public School System’s philosophy of heterogeneous grouping.  Some of these criteria include the following, but are not limited to : 

  • The personality of the child
  • A balance of male and female students
  • Math and ELA strengths and needs
  • Assessment results 
  • Special education requirements and needs
  • Section 504 plan accommodations and needs
  • ELL plans and needs
  • Previous teacher input and feedback
  • School counselor input

There are certain concerns that can not be part of the process in determining placement.  Hence, we ask that you not use this form to propose the following:

  • Specific teacher requests
  • Grouping based on prior siblings’ experience
  • Grouping based on friends
  • Grouping based on hearsay 

Your input on this form will be used in creating a positive learning experience for your child.  Your response is completely OPTIONAL.   We do value your input...you as a parent know your child best!  

Please CLICK HERE to access the form.

The form closes on June 12, 2020.