Absences & Attendance Procedures


To report your child's absence, you may call the front office or send an email to your child's teacher and the front office secretaries at Julia_Blalock@hcpss.org and Mattia_Lambiotte@hcpss.org. The school must recieve a note, handwritten or emailed, from teh parent or physician explaining the absence/tardiness of a student within two school days of hte student's return or the absence/tardiness will be unlawful/unexcused. When a doctor's certification for chronic illness has been required and not provided within two school days of the student's return, the absence/tardiness will be recorded as unlawful/unexcused until a doctor's certificate is provided. 


All students enrolled in HCPSS are expected to attend school regularly. Students absent for any reason should return with a note which explains the absence. Students presently enrolled in public schools who are lawfully absent from school, may receive make-up work.

Absences for Non-Emergency Circumstances - A written request for such absences to be lawful/excused should be submitted in advance to the principal/designee. Such absences may not occur during exam or state-mandated testing periods unless authorized by the principal/designee. For absences of up to 3 days per year, the principal may determine whether the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused. For absences in excess of three days under this provision, the principal in consultation with the administrative directors will determine if the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused.

Attendance letters are generated quarterly to parents of students whose absenteeism or tardiness exceeds acceptable state guidelines. These notices are generated regardless of the coding (lawful or unlawful) of the absence.